Each and every one of you has truly made a difference in my blogging experience. I was incredibly intimidated to see what I might be able to do with this, and I couldn't help but think "Why on earth would anyone agree to be a sponsor to my blog? It'd be so one sided..." But to my surprise, it seems everyone I've asked has has a positive reaction to it! Color me curious. I'd like to give Mary Kate a specially warm thank you for being my very first, and for introducing me to the idea of ad swapping in the first place! By working through ad swap, it gives me an opportunity to interact further with the sponsors, as well as come up with creative 'payments' that further my friendships with them. Even when I feel like perhaps no one out there is gaining anything of 'nutritional value' from my dabbling, I know of at least four people who thought me worth it enough to agree to some free publicity swapping. So thank you.
Believe it or not, each and every comment I get is something very special to me. It brightens my day each time I get one, and I hold it dearly to my heart. I know I'm not the best at responding to comments, and with the lesser number that I get, I really should be, but I'm still trying to decide what the best way to do such is. So please be patient with me! But I wanted to say, right now, that I'm grateful for each one of you who does. It always is incredibly rewarding to know that someone took the time to spread a little love over here. And I check my e-mail always for more, throughout the day. It's like a little blossom that spurted up while you were away. But I do want you to know that each one is read and cherished, even if I haven't gotten to telling you so yet.
I want to thank you for sharing your stories. For having the confidence to put things out there that might not always be comfortable. Even if I don't comment, or don't do anything more than bring it up on my little screen, for those ten minutes I read, I feel connected to you, and it inspires me to do more with my own blog. Inspiration comes from everywhere, and I am incredibly grateful for that which you give to me!
Thank you thank you thank you! I am a self proclaimed prize-a-holic. I admit to it freely. If there is something to be won or given away that I don't have to pay for, and that can spur my confidence in the fact that I received it? I get a great high from that. True story. I love furthering my little bloggy feelers into learning and connecting with more people in the community. I love the fact that people are willing to do these things, put time and effort into having them, so that I can come by and spam them! Thank you so much for the efforts and energy, and believe me, I'll be on the lookout!
All right... I think that's it that I can think of just off the top of my head. I highly encourage you to go participate and read some of the entries this week. They truly are quite incredible, and I am happy to throw in my little smidgen of gratitude. A heartfelt thank you goes out to any and all I've come into contact with throughout my blogging experience, especially if I didn't catch you somewhere in the mix of those labels!
Wishing you the wonderful
This is a great post!! You are our guest host for our weekly Mingle With Us blog hop because you rock!! Also, I love your blog and I was wondering if you would be interested in being a guest on my blog so you can introduce yourself and invite people to visit your blog. Email me if you are interested: funreadinggames@gmail.com