Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Saturday Night [Cheap Date Night]

Last night my hubby and I had an awesome date night.
Seriously, it was super fun and romantic,
and wanna know the best part?
It was super free!!

Mmhm that's right. 
We did date night at our house.
And while we know it could be a better set up,
we still had fun last night and enjoyed ourselves.
Right from our front porch.

Indeed my friends.
We had a good ol fashioned drive in night.
We watched The Big Miracle.
Which, for us, was okay. 
The reason for that I think is the fact we'd known the actual story.
We knew what was going to happen.
Plus it did play more as a documentary,
and because we'd already seen a pretty extensive account of it,
it was kind of already predetermined.

But we still had a really good time.
Wanna know why?
Because we were together and doing something fun.
This is our little set up, with our projector and our dvd player.

The couch cushions doubled as a foot rest and a bed for our dog.
Did the dog utilize said bed, as she normally does inside?
Of course not. She sat in our laps the entire time.
And when it started getting a little chilly, inside my sweatshirt.

This is the infamous Mr. White.
He was nomming on his subway, and doesn't he look philosophical there?
He might have been, I can't quite remember.
He was most certainly talking about something or another.

I was just nomming on my subway.
It was quite nummy.

I highly recommend that if you can swing this somehow at your house,
you most definitely should.
Our projector is really quite old, and one we got for a bargain after the school didn't want it anymore.
We don't use it really super often,
but when we do use it, it's always a real blast.
Besides, our drive in here has started charging by person!
And they're being a stickler about outside food and drinks.
I'm sorry, but personally, for me, that was the appeal of the drive in.
It was cheap, and you could just kind of chill out in your car with whatever you brought.
Did I most often still visit the snack bar? Of course.
I'm hoping that maybe we'll still be able to go there one day, my husband and I.
We've both been over the course of our lives,
but we've never been together.
But I got to say, last night was probably even better.

So yes, I just wanted to share the adorable-ness with you today!
[Feels weird posting on a Sunday haha]

Some things coming up to look forwards to!:

Tomorrow will be the official informational post about the Bloggy Scavenger Hunt!
You should definitely be here to read all about it.
[and maybe there's an opportunity to earn free entries for the giveaway ;) ]

Also, Thursday, we're finally going to go pick up Warden!!
Isn't that exciting??

We made our first purchase for him yesterday.
His little ID tag. It's got camo all over the back.
We also bought him some bandannas that I need to sew onto his collar.
We're going to be vlogging our trip to Portland and picking him up to share with you for coffee on Friday!
Isn't that super awesome fantastic?!
I've never done a vlog before, so you'll have to bear with me.

Anyway, I think that's about it.
Have a great rest of your weekend everyone and can't wait to hear from you again!

1 comment:

  1. Found you on Thee Networkign Blog Hop and following! Sounds like a great date night. You are so right about places getting greedy and grubby about silly things, and I'm all about the frugal option. ;) Great post and I'll look forward to more!
