Friday, May 30, 2014

Three Things #2

Hey again!
Happy Friday!
I hope that you plan on enjoying it!
Even if it's not until after work.

So taking a page once more out of Heather's book and featuring three things!
Last weeks were well appreciated by those I featured,
and I was really touched I could help make someone's day with it.
So here we go again and I'm hoping that you find some great inspiration!

The Ultimate Budget Binder featuring 10+ printables from

This absolutely AMAZING Printable Budget Binder from the talented Mique.
I've just discovered her through google+
yes I took that dive though still not sure how it works
And I can't wait to just totally stalk the rest of her amazing offerings.
I just got a new printer and was only too happy to test it out on these babies.
There's just a lot of great resources if you're trying to get a handle on your budget,
as well as if you're just a plain organization freak like I am.
I added a few pages to mine, such as extra non food shopping list,
as well as a coupon cover page.

BUT you should totes check it out.
Seriously. Go.
I'll wait.

Okay, back?


ezra and eli

I absolutely adore following them on instagram.
Scrolling through and seeing their precious designs just inspires me.
And I always love seeing precious littlies in those awesome hip shirts.
I know one day I'll cave and get little guy one, but so far I've resisted.
But you totally shouldn't.
You should go get some of that fly right now.

Blogger Planners
Customized Blogging and Meal Planner - Yearly
I make them.
They are honestly really really handy.
Especially for those of you, like a lot of us,
who just need to do organization hands on.
They're super handy to have on the go to jot down notes,
as well as planning out your blog posts, hostings, advertisings, stats, etc.
They come in a yearly package, and can be combined with grocery and meal planning pages.
I also have them bound professionally, and it makes them super sturdy and crisp.
I can custom design logos as well as pages inside.
I'd love to have a client to work with,
to create up a new one to show the rest of you how amazing they look.
So if you're interested, please either email me or fill out the order in my shop.
They are truly a life saver.
[If you're interested in having a mini version, I can see what I can do with that as well]

Until next time fellow bloggy peeps,
enjoy your fabulous weekend!

ps I'm submitting this to #fundaymonday!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Storenvy VS Etsy?

I'm really in just unsure how I feel one way or another on the preference of
storenvy v etsy.
You see, I, as a small time hobbiest and homemaker,
mainly the second,
don't have a lot of extra cash to spend on my hobbies.
I enjoy doing my hobbies because they require very little capital.

So this is why I originally stopped using Etsy.
I really enjoyed the idea of Etsy, and the seeming amount of traffic most shops get on it.
But the fact remained, I was having money required to sell things.
Which I think seems slightly odd, but perhaps that's just me. 
[this was some time ago, and I'm not sure just what it was being asked]

Now it appears it's $.20 and a 3.5% of what's sold.
Which, currently, doesn't seem so bad.
Maybe I did make a wrong decision when I switched.

But at the time, I just wasn't able to bring myself to pay anything for what I deemed as 
"silly tinkering"
Which quite frankly, most days I still name it such.
So I decided to go to Storenvy, where I currently have a small rundown shop.
My problem being is that it seems it doesn't generate much traffic.
Regardless of if I advertise, what I post in there,
the only times I ever gained traffic was using it as payment methods for designs.
And that was because I specifically told my buyer to go there and pay that way.

I sort of feel that if I advertised my products on Etsy, they'd gain more notice.
Perhaps this is just a grass is greener expectation?
But then again, it seems like Etsy is a much more popular site,
especially through blogger and crafter communities.

So I'm just curious,
what's your opinion?
Do you have a shop on either site?
Do you prefer either site over the other?
How do you advertise and gain revenue through your shops?
Do you use self promoting or is there some sort of site promoting opportunities I'm unaware of?
I'd really love to hear any of your opinions on the matter to help build myself an informed decision.
Thank you to any and all of you who do take a moment to shed some light.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy going into another fantastic weekend!

I opened an Etsy shop. Decided to bite the bullet and test it out.
Once I have a little time of it under my belt, I plan on giving y'all a comparison.
Here's hopin it makes a smidge of difference.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Macaroon Adventure!

So yesterday I had a fucking adventure.
sorry. it was pretty epic. it needed a suitable adjective.
So I decided....foolishly...that I wanted to take on french macaroons.

Here's a few facts with my knowledge of macaroons:

I've never had a macaroon. Ever. Never even seen one  in the to speak.

I absolutely know they are one of the hardest most finicky confections available to make.
Most at home bakers don't do them because of it.
And as such I'm like (of course)
"I wanna try that"

No one truly grasps the time and soul consuming creations these are until you make them.
this I learned.

So I totally went into this thinking that:
A. I'm not going to tell anyone I'm making them, in case they screw all to hell.
2. I am not going to beat myself to hell if I do screw them up.
And III. I have no idea if I'm going to even like these things.

And guess what I did?
Made absolutely beautiful macaroons.

just needs a lil fillin'. 
I am incredibly proud of these babies.
They actually turned out looking like macaroons,
and fitting the description of crisp but not crunchy, soft and with a good chew.
And honestly, now that I've tried them?
[sans filling even]
I can understand why they would be horribly addicting.
They are the most delicate little sweet flavored things in the world.
They just seem to float and melt on your tongue like bliss.

Seriously. So yummy.
Worth the effort? MMMMMMM.
Jury's still out.

And yes, I realize having really good results is super rare on the first go out.
But let me tell you, I did a good amount of research before I committed to this.
Luckily all was found through one super stellar page.
The recipe directly is found on said page, which is on Journey Kitchen!
And I was glad to click through the many helpful links listed to ease the process.
Specifically this one on oven workings,
as well as this video to help see what things should look like as they went.

Definitely do your homework first is all I got to say.
And have a couple thousand hours to kill. And a scale.
I think that's about it. Patience maybe?

Anyway, even sans filling,
I am very entirely proud of them and myself.
I deem this a raging success.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DIY Lightbox Results & Product Preview

Hey everyone!
So over my memorial day weekend I've been playing with fun things.
Mainly making little baby hats as well as my very own lightbox.
I figured if I wanted to give it a good go at pitching my little things,
I'd want to take some decent photographs of them.
Decent lights are next on the list.

So I went around to find a good tutorial on building your own lightbox.
And as such, I stumbled across this one from Drawings in Motion.
I wanted something easy, cheap, and portable.
And in the tutorial I found it all.
It took a little bit of grunt work but I think it turned out well.

Don't judge my sad little lights

And while I was doing that, I figured I'd show you guys my first little attempt at creating.
Didn't this turn out absolutely sweet?

I think the lightbox did wonders.
And I absolutely cannot wait to try it during the daytime.
I have a really wonderful large window in my craft room,
and I'm hoping it will provide me with some great natural light in the meantime.

{gah it diddd!}

don't they look professional? and this was with my phone!

Also, if you're absolutely adoring this little cap like I am,
and would like to purchase one, they are indeed 
for sale
in my little shoppy.
Limited time limited supply as they're the first batch 
and bought from a limited fabric supply.

Also once I get the smaller size finished, I'm hoping to do some modeled shots with little man!
And don't worry, I'll be sure to post those here too!
What did you do over your awesome long weekend?
Tell me!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Meet You Mondays

So I want to start something here to..well...
to honestly help me.
I have fallen out of touch with a lot of bloggers over my absence.
I have a mile long stretch of blogs I follow,
yet most of them don't post any longer.
Which I totally don't blame them.
I did the same thing.
But that leaves me wanting more!

So I decided to start up a little link up for bloggers to enter and get some exposure.
Are you a current blogger looking to amp up your followers a bit?
Or just to get your name out there!
I want to know!
I want to help spread your word!
You don't need a project, a recipe, or anything else to share.
Just you and your blog.

I also want to hear about some of your favored blogs you follow.
Leave me some comments peeps!
I want to see who's good to follow right now.
I found all sorts when I was blogging every day, and loved seeing everyone post,
and have plenty to read.
Plenty of places to find inspiration for my own blog and my own posts.
I want to help do the same for others!
And I want to learn of who does an amazing job now!

So please, stop by for a moment, link up your blog, and leave me some others to follow!
And then each week I'll pick a blog from the previous line up,
and do a little feature on them!
Even more awesome exposure, right?!

So please, help spread the word and we'll get something awesome going.
Feel free to snag a button if you want, or just share the post somewhere.
No obligations to enter, just wanting to help and get some fresh new ideas up and out there!

A newcomers blog hop to share who we love

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Three Things

I love cruising around and seeing new things around the blogosphere.
This time it was over at Glitter and Gloss
"Three things I'm loving this week and think you should know about"
What an awesome inspiration.
So I hope she doesn't mind me snagging it and sharing some awesome too!

Leiaroux Shoesies!
I'm in absolute love with these little loves.
I'm a great fan of mocassins too, and will most likely share some of those next week,
but these little darlings I fell in love with first.
That, and the woman behind them is a real sweetheart who always loves to share.
Whether it be featuring other darlings wearing her product,
or great causes to help and get behind.
I follow them on instagram and always love seeing the feed.
I also have my very own pair coming, just got an email that they'd shipped!
SO yay!

These are the ones I'm getting little guy

The amazingly (in a nerd sense) awesome peek at the new Dragon Age Inquisition Inquisitor's Edition.
it's sooo beautiful....
Me and the hubs drool over this sort of stuff.
Him for pretty much a lot of games.
Me because A. It's Dragon Age and one of my favorite games,
and B. It has a genuine imitation lock pick set from the game.
And I know you don't know much about my gamely ways,
but I am pretty much always a thief.
I love rogue type characters because I have the natural urge to just rob everything.
I know, this probably says something about my psyche and upbringing,
but I don't examine it too closely.
Naturally, we'd like to play with all these awesome doo dads and buttons and goodies,
but it does bump the cost of the game up nearly $100, so jury's still out.
and probably will remain that way.
Want to see it for yourself and check out all the fantastic details?

I've decided I really would like to take up a bit of a small business venture again.
I loved blog designing, and most likely will get back into it once I brush up on my skills again.
Keep an eye out for upcoming deals and/or tester positions for that if you're interested.
But I just think having something to do that involves my hands,
actually producing something,
just sounds like it would be wonderful.
I've always loved working with fabric and design of clothes,
and would like to have some fun with it.
I'm sure it won't be anything major, 
and will start very small and unique items rather than mass produced.
But I do look forwards to having some things to play with,
and perhaps some things to offer for sale.
Baby things. Because well babies are adorable.

So what are your three things? I'd love to hear about them. 
Hope you're having a wonderful holiday weekend!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Recipe Twofer - Turkey Soft Tacos & Their Leftovers

Today I decided to share some of the awesome things I've been eating lately!
Some have been recipes I've found.
Some have been things I created!
And some were a combo of the two!
Often the case in these parts anyway
So I hope you enjoy! 

Firstly, yes I know my ingredient lists are always a bit vague. 
Mainly because I don't cook by a strict recipe most nights. 
I throw together what looks about right for the size of my small family. 
So please feel free to play with these ratios!

Turkey Soft Tacos

• ground turkey
• can of black beans
• can of corn
• tortillas (we used low carb)
• olive oil
• seasonings you enjoy
    we used taco seasoning, garlic salt, pepper, and johnny's seasoning salt
• sour cream for garnish/dipping

Throw your turkey into a skillet. Brown it while seasoning periodically. I prefer to season a few times as my meat cooks, in smaller increments, due to the fact I think it absorbs more flavor.

Once your meat is nearly finished, add your corn and black beans. Allow to cook on a medium heat for a small amount of time until warmed through, adding a final layer of seasoning to make sure the added ingredients gain that flavor.

Prepare a cookie sheet with spray and/or foil and preheat your oven to 375F. Heat your tortillas one at a time as you roll them by microwaving them for about 10-15 seconds to make them easier to roll. Fill them with your meat/bean/corn mixture, and roll them, tucking ends inwards first before folding/rolling.

Place your tacos seam side down to the baking sheet, then brush a light layer of olive oil over the tops, followed by a sprinkle of salt. Pop them in the oven for 10 minutes to gain a nice crispness. Add sour cream to the top or side as you prefer, and enjoy!

Yes I totally made pasta salad to go with mine because ick rice.

Super simple recipe, right? But I tell you, it's delicious. 
Make it your own by adding different ingredients right on in there! 
That's the beauty of cooking. Suiting it to your own individual tastes. 
Experimenting, enjoying the process of creating. 

 Now a few days later, I was left with the leftover corn and beans I hadn't used 
and had unceremoniously dumped into a singular tupperwear. 
I also had some cilantro that I had used with fish tacos the night after our turkey tacos.
Yeah I've been on a bit of a mexican kick. 
I promise to point you in the direction of some awesome recipes I tried.
And when I asked my husband what he wanted for dinner that was fairly simple,
he suggested chili.
He nearly always suggests chili.
So I decided to try something with them I've been wanting to try for a long time.
Corn fritters!
I've never actually had a corn fritter, but they sounded sooo good!
So I went and found a base recipe over at Average Betty and had at it.
This is what my recipe ended up looking like.

Modified Corn Fritters

• 1 1/2 c corn and bean blend
• 1/4 c somewhat chopped cilantro
• 2 beaten eggs
• 1/4 + a little extra c flour
• johnny's seasoning salt
• garlic salt
• pepper
• olive oil

Otherwise, I pretty much followed the directions the recipe provided!
Definitely pay attention to the fact that you want your skillet about medium.
I have such a hard time with pan frying sometimes.
I get my pan too hot and then things are black before they're cooked through.
So yes, the secret to pan frying I'm finding is medium and patience.

I think these paired exceptionally well with our can of chili.
Very nice texture, which the black beans always add a nice creaminess to things.
And again, if you have those other ingredients on hand/enjoy them,
or want to add others, please I encourage you to!
The only thing I'd keep in mind is that the ratio of your flour may change a bit.
You're just going to have to eyeball it and make only one first if you're unsure.
Then if it doesn't turn out, [don't rush the first turn!], then add a bit more flour.
You can always add more, remember, but can't take it back out.

So what are some of your favorite meal/leftover meal combos?
I love trying to find new ways to repurpose ingredients.
I also love being able to figure out a recipe with things I already have on hand.
Makes things easier, more frugal, and makes me at least feel super accomplished!

Some more awesome recipes I tried during my mexican invasion:
The amazing slaw from this recipe paired with the bitchin pecan crusted fish from a recipe sorta like this.
I used cod instead of tilapia because tilapia tastes like dirt.
Also used milk instead of buttermilk because who honestly regularly has buttermilk?
I used small corn tortillas instead since that's what I had on hand.
And some of the peppers described from the slaw instead of chilis because again, on hand.

Linking up at:
A Humble Bumble Healthy Tuesdays

Monday, May 19, 2014

Weekly Cleaning/Chore Schedule

So I was cruising through blogs the other day,
I think I found it on facebook?
Regardless, I know that I've been beating myself up a lot about my housekeeping.
I always have. It's just never a skill I developed.
My mom is like amazing at keeping things tidy.
And I'm just the epitome of a clutter trail wherever I go.
Please tell me there's others like me out there. Let's form a group! We can go to CA meetings.
Clutterholics Anonymous.

And through a passing conversation with my mom,
as well as finding this little beauty of an inspiration,
I figured I'd try implementing something like this.
And since if I put it up on the blog, maybe I'll follow it better,
here we go!

Now I'm going to be making my own, mostly because I have to customize things.
Just the itchy fingers I've got I guess.
Besides, some of these things don't apply, and I also know I need extra.
I am hoping this will alleviate the overwhelmed feeling I get all the time,
and I can have a more continual sense of accomplishment,
and a more continually tidy house!


Check supplies [including shower] to add to list
Wash towels
Clear clutter/empty trash can
Clean toilet, sink, tub, shower stall walls, toothbrush holders, and mirror
Sweep & Swiffer

Mow front lawn


Check supplies [non food] to add to list
Do a sweep of old food to toss out
Wipe down and clean kitchen surfaces, including countertops, stove, sink, and kitchen table
Sweep & Swiffer
Empty Trash
Do any remnant dishes [pots/pans/etc]

Mow side lawn


Pick up clutter/put away clean clothes

Mow back lawn


Laundry Room:
Sweep & Swiffer
Do two loads of laundry
Put away any remnant clothes
Put away clutter

Mow garage side lawn


Living Room:
Pick up garbage
Clean up clutter

Mow driveway side lawn


Green Room:
My awkward entry way clutter catcher room
Put away coats
Clean up clutter
Organize/restock baby changing station
Empty diaper garbage

Anything that didn't get done in the week


The best day/day of rest!


One load of laundry 
One load of dishes
Put away baby clutter

All right boys and girls,
I think that I finally have it nailed down!
Now I just have to try and get it done on schedule and diligently.
I honestly think this could be is going to be the solution to my problem.
This way I won't get overwhelmed.
I know I'm doing enough each day because it's all planned out.
And I can feel that sense of accomplishment each day,
instead of feeling unhappy because there's still so much to do.

I am going to do this.
Going. To. Do. This.

Tell me, do you have any success stories with a cleaning schedule?
Do you need/have one or are you one of those super cool people who don't need it
but your house is still well kept?

Linking up to:
Do Tell Tuesday @ Crafting in the Rain

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Awesome Movie Night At Home!

So Friday night me and the hubster were planning
ha that happens a lot. planning. not doing.
on going to our local drive in.
It was playing Godzilla, and we were gonna get chinese and go.

But then we heard that it really blew from some of his good friends.
And we had both had an exhausting week. 
And I was like,
Hon do you just wanna stay home?
And he was like,
yes please.

 So I decided to do something for us that would be just as fun.
And we could still pack it in and call it a night whenever we wanted.
I present to you the awesome personal home drive in!

we had already brought in our electronics from the night before. shh. use your imagination.

our awesome screen.

The kush set up.
And let me tell ya.
It was freakin bomb.
I loved the whole set up.
I could bring my baby and not have to worry about him being uncomfortable in the car.
And not bothering other people coming.
I could also snuggle up to my husband without the pain of a gear shift.

I just happened to have an inflatable couch from our last camping trip.
As well as an old box spring I'd just moved out to our garage prepared to go to the dump.
And a hand me down end table that had also been chillin in the garage for lack of space.
And lastly, an old sheet with a hole and some pet stains.
And the beauty of our redneck society was born.

See kids? Don't throw away anything.

It is an amazing set up, and I cannot wait to use it more.
Especially when the little guy gets a little older, I know we're going to have some amazing memories.
We watched The Legend of Hercules, and it was actually pretty cool.
Award winning?
Maybe not. 
But fun to watch none the less.

We were gonna make it a feature with Life of Pi but we were both tired by that point.
[Unfortunate side effect of having to wait till almost 9:30 for it to be dark enough]

What did you do this weekend? 
Have you ever felt like awesomemom by being able to throw something like this together?
Let me know what you think!!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stop Touching My Baby!

Okay folks, let's be real here.
We all love babies, right?
They are especially adorable, and sweet, and if you're lucky like me,
always well behaved in the store.
And particularly cute.


But I cannot seem to avoid the inevitable,
random ass people in the grocery store
(the germiest place in the whole damn world I swear)
from touching him!
I mean, I don't understand this fucking phenomenon where you think it's okay to put your hands on a stranger's child. 
Someone wanna explain this to me?

I've gone to lengths to try and avoid this, for real.
And I'm not just some randomly protective mother.
I was totally at ease with things before I took a premie exit class at the hospital.
[My son was 7 weeks premature, bee tee dubs.]
In case you've never been to one, let me break it down for you:
"Here are the twenty ways your baby can die.
Here are the additional forty ways your baby can die because he was premature."
Swearsies. That was the content of the class.
It scared the ever living piss out of me.

I didn't take my son outdoors save for grandparents' houses until he was probably two months old nearly.
And that was only after I made both grandmas get their tdap shots because they couldn't keep them out of their faces.
[I won't get into that one how badly I grit my teeth]
Then when I started taking him to grocery stores and people always surprised me by thinking it was totally normal to just reach on in there and touch him.
I'm like...seriously...what the fuck?
And it always takes me by surprise!
Because I'm like I would never touch a stranger's child. That's rude.
And yet there it goes and I'm left flabbergasted.
Someone even had the balls to grab his binkie and stick it in his mouth.
It just boggles me. Boggles me.

So I go to an additional length and every time I'm alone I take him in his wrap.

I thought this clearly sent the message that I had no real interest in sharing my child with your germs.
But lo and behold, yesterday, I was confounded again. 
I was out on a quick tampon and candy run,
because those two always go together, right?
And a woman stopped and asked me how old my baby was, etc, 
and then she started stroking his back through the wrap.
And I'm just....dumbfounded.
She's like seriously not only in his bubble, but mine.
Talking way too close, and all I can think is
What do you honestly think you're doing?

Maybe I was just lucky in the fact that no one ever randomly rubbed my belly.
Maybe I'm just super paranoid as remnant from that class.
I swear I don't make my family sanitize nearly as often anymore!
But this just puzzles me. Truly and fully confuses me.

Anyone care to share some light?
Or maybe some suggestions as to how to let someone know this isn't okay?
I never know what to say because I am always in a state of shock as to why someone is doing this.
Did this bother you too? Or am I totally alone...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Maybe Some Confessions?

Aw man once again, here stands the lonely blog.
And I am dying to enjoy it once again.
I was over along the lines of Frugal by Necessity, Cheap by Choice, 
and saw the line of her confessions, and thought that seemed super theraputic.
And it's not like I didn't know where to start. No.

One. I am totally and fully in love with my son, with being a mom, with this stage in my life.
I know, super sappy right? But for honest, it's completely true.
Have there been some extremely frustrating days? Yes. Have there been total meltdowns? Couple times.
Have I frequently questioned myself like Ryan Reynolds in Definitely Maybe
"What am I DOING here?!"
All of these things and so many more that I can't even fully describe. I've done em all.
And I have especially grappled with the urge for my desire for perfection in the eye of everyone that I've always struggled with and had become even more of a clusterfuck of stress in being a mother.
But I've set that aside. [for now]
But honestly, I feel like I've reached a good place. I'm so in love with my son, my husband, and my life.
And I'm doing the best I can. Which is totally the best that ever needs to be done.

Two. I am totally and fully also depressed about my weight and have been struggling in understanding what is wrong with my body.
Mainly meaning that it has a totally different style and reactionary method than it did pre-pregnancy.
I had dropped about 40 pounds pre-pregnancy. And when I finished having my son,
I only had to lose 9 pounds. I felt really incredibly proud of myself.
And now I'm up nearly 20 from my pre-pregnancy weight. And I've been trying to get back on the horse.
But even with exercise and trying to eat responsibly, which is all I did last time,
[minus the excercise actually]
it seems like nothing is working.
And it's extremely frustrating and makes me not want to even try.
But I'm trying to keep trying.

Three. I seriously don't understand how anyone keeps a clean house.
Like, honestly. I don't understand it. It is a skill that continues to allude me.
I feel like I can try and work all damn day on my house, and there's still a million places where it's filthy.
Okay not filthy most the time, but at least severely disorganized.
I want so much to be the woman with that perfect little cute kitchy house with all the sweet decorations
and the polka dot apron and a happy house with birdsong and a pie in the fucking window.
GOD. Who set that precedent? I want it so much it makes me whine like a toddler.
Whoever decided that imagery was a thing should have been shot in the damn skull.

Four. Periods. Fucking. Suck.

Five. I still sort of struggle with seeing teenagers walking along the street and realizing that I'm no longer part of that demographic.
Those are no longer my people.
I wouldn't understand half the shit they talk about.
I don't look like that anymore.
Depressing, but fact.

Six. Blue is seriously my new favorite color.
And I love being as cliche with it as possible when it comes to my son.
Cannot help it. Love it.

Seven. Speaking of babies. Hipster baby pictures?
Loathe them.
I'm sorry in advance if you dress your kid like that, but I just.. Why?
Children have the amazing ability to wear everything that no adult could ever get away with.
Why dress them like mini hipsters and those stupid fake glasses and make them look terrible.

So I could try and pull out so many more confessions, but the truth of the matter is,
given what time of the month it is,
these are going to devolve into bitch snippets (trademark) real quick.
OH wait one more.

Eight. When I go back and think of what I say after a day with new people, I wonder:
Do I seem super negative all the time?
It's so funny because I'm one of the least negative people in actuality.
I'm a continual looker on the bright side, most days, and try to give everything a chance.
But my humor is entirely sarcastic and dry.
It's one of the many reasons I married my husband. I can say whatever I want and we both laugh and know it has no actual bearing on what I'm honestly feeling.
I poke fun at everything. And half the things I say are just to get it out like word vomit as it flitters through my head like a sarcastic little butterfly. Two seconds after I've said it I've forgotten it.
But I people who don't know me?
I could be such a downer if you didn't recognize it as humor.

Okay, I'm done.
I hope you maybe giggled at something? Or at least understood?
I promise I'll get better at this again.
Leave me a thought or your confession, the juicier the better.

Nine. I'm by no means a gossiper, but I'm a chronic snoop/nosy bitch.